According to Chambers English Dictionary, the word 'scepticism' is derived from the Greek words skeptikos, which means 'thoughtful', and skeptesthai, meaning 'to consider'. This chapter discusses the idea of scepticism as it applies to a consideration of paranormal claims. It begins by considering the philosophical antecedents of modern scepticism. Hume's essay Of Miracles, published in 1748, is particularly relevant to a discussion of scepticism as it relates to the paranormal. In 1986, John Palmer calls for the adoption of a new approach which he calls progressive scepticism. Numerous organisations now exist, both nationally and internationally, to promote a sceptical approach to paranormal and related claims. Sceptical researchers are likely to draw different conclusions from those of proponents of the paranormal when psychological differences between believers and sceptics are found. Experimental research may occasionally be conducted, with unwarranted generalizations drawn from little data or from data that could obviously be affected by experimenter bias.