There is little doubt today as to the importance of Muslim politics in con-

temporary world affairs. From the emergence of transnational networks

pursuing global militant agendas in the name of Islam, to the persistence

and transformation of traditional Islamic political parties, to the appear-

ance of global media personalities claiming to speak as authoritative and

authentic Islamic voices-Islam and politics seem today to be everywhere.

But how well do we actually understand this phenomenon? Muslim politics

are certainly much discussed today, but-arguably-little or poorly understood within most circles of debate and deliberation. How can we best make

sense of this highly complex, diverse, and sometimes even contradictory

world of religion and politics? How to understand the relative importance

of the multiple manifestations of Muslim politics around the world and the

many competing voices claiming to speak on behalf of Islam? What is the

difference between those Islamist movements that emphasize jihad and

those that pursue politics through non-violent, even democratic, means-

and how do they relate to each other? What possible futures might we predict for political Islam?