Clinical examples are given, varying from what would appear to be self-sufficient normal people, to overtly psychotic cases, in order to illustrate the development of a narcissistic organization of varying intensity and permanence.

That is to say, an identification via projective identification has taken place, which heightens intrinsic omnipotence, to allow what has been termed the identificate to believe that it has become the desired object — and thereby that within this spuriously organized ego-structure exist the characteristics and functions of the object or part object that has been taken over. Varying forms of such identificatory process are illustrated. The functions of these 'successful defence' manoeuvres are to obviate any feelings of an awareness of envy, although they may be overtly envious attacks within themselves, secondly they nullify any awareness of dependence, and also nullify awareness of need and illness, and thirdly they maintain the narcissistic organization by producing a successful identificate.