As time goes by bodies grow older, shoes wear down, things degenerate. As time goes by human corporeal Observers fail to re-cognise practices and places when they re-turn in exactly the same manner as when they left them. As time goes by imagined-and-real things-and-relations change. As time goes by abstract ideologies become ontologically transformed and confirm or alter the concrete morphology of spatio-temporal materialities on earth. As time goes by space-andtime make a difference which makes a difference. As time goes by how do we represent the meaning-and-matter of life in specific timespaces

in other timespaces? So it is that what used to be called ‘representation’ is at heart a problem of

geographical translation. The task for any earth writer is to speak about whatever phenomena in other spacetimes in the bodily (con)text of the Observer’s own timespace. As Olsson puts it:

Boiled down to its essentials, telling the truth is to claim that something is something else and be believed when you do it. Others trust me, when I say that this is thus or that a = b.1