The subject of my talk is somehow unusual and it is also unusual for an institution like the Slade to open its doors to it and ask someone like me to come here and speak. It is unusual because the issue here is something which has always been considered outside the ethics or limits of art and art education by the bourgeois/liberal establishment. Only a few years ago I was invited here to do a series of art performances. But, when the nature of my work became known to the higher authorities, no other than those who teach humanities here, no other than those who talk about universal human values and are never tired of talking about the freedom of expression we have in this country, the invitation was shelved and it was shelved quietly and without an explanation, as if nothing had happened. After being fed up waiting for months, when I approached the individual who had invited me in the first place (and I believe he was serious in his invitation), I did not even receive an apology. I was not naive enough to be surprised by the action of the authorities, but one expects some kind of courtesy in such matters, particularly from those who claim to have a monopoly on civilized values.