What is GREP? GREP (Global Regular Expression Parser) is an extraordinarily powerful tool for locating and formatting document content based on pattern-zip codes, email addresses, and phone numbers are just a few of the most obvious types of GREP targets. GREP also can be used to find the first letter or word of a sentence, multiple spaces and returns and SO much more-in short, pretty much any pattern you can define, GREP can help you find. Without GREP, it would be nearly impossible to process certain documents due to their length or complexity but with the magic of GREP, you can process the very same document automatically in a matter of clicks. If you’ll be working with large volumes of text, for EPUB or otherwise, being able to harness the power of GREP is absolutely essential to an efficient and reliable workflow. GREP is typically used to create Find/Change queries but InDesign also enables you to incorporate GREP expressions in paragraph style definitions to expand their usefulness exponentially.