While a musical stability period appears at H1 in bar 3, a strong tension period is observed in H2 in bar 4. The phenomenon is reversed at bar 5 which accords with the prolongational tree. Let us consider some of these differences in more detail. At ending unit 5 we have the tonic A at H1 and a D# at H2, which does not belong to the tonality and introduces a strong musical tension. Because of this different tonal weight the degree of musical stability observed here is higher in H1. An opposite result is observed on the ending unit 8. A more interesting fact is shown for ending unit 12. Here the two melodies have the same note E, but as the implicit harmonies are different, those Es do not have the same musical function and therefore the same tonal weight: at H1 the E is a third subordinate to the local tonic C, and at H2 the E is a prolongation of the local tonic. Experimental data confirms that the musicians perceived these different functions; indeed the degree of stability is higher in H2 and this difference is significant at p<0.039.