State-owned bank of issue; f. 1926; granted autonomy 1989. Leadership: Vitttorio Cobbo (Pres.) Address: Agustinas 1180, Santiago Telephone: (2) 670-2000 Fax: (2) 670-5094 E-mail: mforno@bech.cl Internet: https://www.bancoestado.cl/

Central Bank of Costa Rica

Leadership: Eduardo Lizano Fait (Pres.) Address: Avdas Central y Primera, Calles 2 y 4, Apdo 10.035, 1000 San José Telephone: 233-4233 Fax: 233-5930 Internet: https://www.bccr.fi.cr/

Central Bank of Cuba

State-owned sole bank of issue; f. 1997. Leadership: Francisco Soberón Valdez Address: Calle Cuba 402, Aguiar 411, Habana Vieja, La Habana Telephone: (7) 33-8003 Fax: (7) 66-6601 E-mail: plasencia@bc.gov.cu Internet: https://www.bc.gov.cu/

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