Form is factitious Being, and Thinking is the Process. Imagination the Laboratory, in which Thought elaborates Essence into Existence. A Psilosopher, i.e. a nominal Ph. without Imagination, is a Coiner-Vanity, the Froth of the molten Mass, is his Stuff-and Verbiage the Stamp & Impression. This is but a deaf Metaphor-better say, that he is guilty of Forgery-he presents the same <sort of> Paper as the honest Barterer, but when you carry it to the Bank, it is found to be drawn on-Outis, Esqre. His Words had deposited no Forms there, payable at Sight-or even at any imaginable Time from the Date of the Draft/…

… ab Ente-at once the existent Reflection, and the Reflex Act-at once actual and real & therefore, filiation not creation/Thought formed not fixedthe molten Being never cooled into a Thing, tho’ begotten into the vast adequate Thought. Est, Idea, Ideation-Id-inde, HOC et illud. Idea-atio, seu actio=Id: iterum, <Hoc+Id, & then> Id+Ea (i.e. Coadunatio Individui cum Universo per Amorem)=Idea: Idea+actio=Ideatio, seu , which being transelemented into we are mystically united with the Am-E —.