Academia is etymologically derived from

the Greek Academy, founded in Athens in

the fourth century BCE for the purposes of

educating both men and women in philo-

sophy, science and mathematics. The pre-

sent system of academia is more recognisable

as a descendant of the first European uni-

versities founded during the late twelfth and

early thirteenth centuries in Bologna and

Paris, respectively. Universities throughout

the world owe their form and function to this

European system of academia, often through

direct colonisation by European nations but

also through the conscious adaptation of

European models of the university (Ru¨egg

Although the education of students remains

a chief academic concern, those in academia are

also charged with the production of knowl-

edge in the sciences, humanities and social

sciences. Academics, then, are not just tea-

chers of post-secondary education but also

researchers, scientists, scholars and writers.