In this final part of the book we come to the point where data analyses, presentational forms and writing begin to loom large in the research process. Whilst there are undoubtedly very practical aspects to these processes there are some fundamental conceptual and theoretical issues which need to be dealt with. We have linked analysis, case study and writing because qualitative researchers have strongly argued for the interconnection of these elements of the research process. Qualitative data demands different kinds of analysis to quantitative, numerical data. The nature of qualitative research itself means that both different ways of writing about qualitative research and presenting the findings of such research are necessary. Qualitative researchers in general and those engaged in doing qualitative research in schools and classrooms have been experimenting with different ways of writing up and presenting their research. These developments have partly been in response to a broad set of intellectual changes and movements over the last ten years. Of note here we would highlight the impact of feminism and poststructuralism and postmodernism. We unravel the meaning and significance of these ideas in connection with qualitative research briefly in the following chapters.