My cousin loaned me THE COMING OUT STORIES a week ago, and it has been great. I have been struggling with my lesbian identity—am I gay? am I bisexual? is it that I love women or is it just that I hate men? etc. Reading this book has helped me to realize (1) that yes, I do love women and that (2) I don’t have to make excuses for it, that I do not have to take responsibility for other people’s homophobia, that being a lesbian is a positive life-affirming thing, not a sickness. And realizing the power and strength in that knowledge. By reading about these other women and what they have gone through it helped me to see that the choice of whether to act upon my being a lesbian or not comes down to me, and that, yes, I can choose to do so—here are people that have done so, they DO exist. I am just beginning to see that being gay does not necessarily mean something is wrong with me.