[photo of Russell, left profile] | [to right, 11 lines:] INDEPENDENT LABOUR PARTY | INFORMATION COMMITTEE. | [triple rule, 114 nun., middle rule bold] | At Essex Hall, Essex Street, Strand, | on Wednesdays, | March 22nd, 29th & April 5th, 1922, 8 p.m. | Course of Three Lectures | (In aid of the funds of the I.L.P. Information Committee.) | By | The Hon. Bertrand Russell, f.r.s. | SUBJECT: | Can INDUSTRIALISM be CIVILISED? | SYLLABUS: | [text] ] [59 mm. double rule, top rule bold] | ADMISSION.— Course tickets, numbered and reserved 10/6 each. Single tickets, numbered and | reserved 5/- and 2/6, unreserved 1/-. | To be procured from— | [5 addresses] N.L.P.—11390