How to Read and | Understand History | [sanserif:] The Past as the Key to the Future | [serif:] By BERTRAND RUSSELL | BERTRAND RUSSELL'S CAREER | Trinity College, Cambridge. Fellow, 1895-1901. Lecturer, | 1910-1916. Visiting Professor at Harvard, 1914. Professor at | Government University of Peking, 1920-21. Lecturer at Cam- | bridge, 1926. Special lecturer at the London School of Eco- | nomics and Political Science, 1937, and the University of | Oxford, 1938. Visiting professor of philosophy at the Univer- | sity of Chicago, 1938-39. Professor of philosophy at the Uni- | versity of California at Los Angeles, 1939-40. Fellow of the | Royal Society. Nicholas Murray Butler Medal of Columbia | University, 1915. Sylvester Medal of the Royal Society, 1932. | De Morgan Medal of the London Mathematical Society, 1932. | HALDEMAN - JULIUS PUBLICATIONS | GIRARD, KANSAS