And to the stately palace hyeth, where Paris made abode, Whom he desyres to be on Wensday next his geast, At Freetowne, where he myndes to make for him a costly feast. But loe, the Earle saith such feasting were but lost, And counsels him till mariage time to spare so great a cost, 2260 For then he knoweth well the charges wilbe great, The whilst his hart desyreth still her sight, and not his meate. He craves of Capilet, that he may straight go see Fayre Juliet, wher to he doth right willingly agree. The mother warnde before, her daughter doth prepare. She warneth and she chargeth her that in no wyse she spare Her curteous speche, her pleasant lookes, and commely grace, But liberally to geve them forth when Paris commes in place: Which she as cunningly could set forth to the shewe, As cunning craftesmen to the sale do set their wares on row, 2270 That ere the County did out of her sight depart, So secretly unwares to him, she stale away his hart, That of his lyfe and death the wyly wench hath powre. And now his longing hart thinkes long for theyr appoynted

howre, And with importune sute, the parentes doth he pray, The wedlocke knot to knit soone up, and hast the mariage day.