Now perish Pyramus, and let ne're thine eyes Open to see another sunshine day. This this one night two Lovers shall destroy3 And end that love, which nought but death can end Oh that my soule would languish, and my blood Forsake my tenderest heart, perish you veynes To conquering death, let life now yeeld the feild. Thou wert unworthy This be of this end And worthy wert to live a longer life. Thy soule was spotles, mine was full of guilt.' Twas I that sent thee to this fearefull place And I now feareles man will follow thee, But ah my death, will not to thee give life. Oh that it would, that mightie kindnes then Which once Orestes showed to Pylades, Should now in me revive, but since th'art dead This only can I doe, to dye with thee. Oh savage beast why didst thou kill my love, Could noe prey satisfie thee but her life. Come then you rabid Lions, and take mine. 6 These wicked bowels8 teare with cruell teeth.