In consideration whereof, king John, besides the summe of thirtie thousande markes in silver, as in respect of dowrie assigned to his said neece, resigned his title to the citie of Evreux, and also unto all those townes which the French king had by warre taken from him, the citie of Angiers onelie excepted, which citie he received againe by covenants of the same agreement.3 The French king restored also to king John (as Rafe Niger writeth) the citie of Tours, and all the castels and fortresses which he had taken within Touraine: and moreover, received of king John his homage for all the lands, fees and tenements which at anie time his brother king Richard, or his father king Henrie had holden of him, the said king Lewes or any his predecessors, the quit claims and marriages alwaies excepted. The king of England likewise did homage unto the French king for Britaine, and againe (as after you shall heare) received homage for the same countrie, and for the countie of Richmont of his nephue Arthur.4 He also gave the earledome of Glocester unto the earle of Evreux, as it were by way of exchange, for that he resigned to the French king all right, title & claime that might be pretended to the countie of Evreux.