This counterfeit soothsayer prophesied of king John: that he shoulde raigne no longer then the ascension day, within the yere of our Lord 1213. which was the 14. yere from his coronation, and this (he sayde) he had by revelation. Then was it of him demaunded, whether he shoulde be slaine or be expelled, or should of himself geve over the crown: He answered, that he coulde not telI.4 But of this he was sure (he sayde) that neither he, nor any of his stock or linage should raign, that day once finished. The K. hearing of this, laughed muche at it, and made but a scoffe thereof. Tush (sayth he) it is but an idiote knave, and such a one as lacketh his right wyts. But when this foolish prophet had so escaped the daunger of the kings displeasure, & that he made no more of it, he gate him abroade and prated thereof at large (as he was a very idle vagabund) and used to tattle and talk more than inough: so that they which loved the king, caused hym anone after to be apprehended as a

malefactor, & to be throwen in prison, the king not yet knowing therof.