Plutarch's Lives of Noble Grecians and Romanes 109 Cicero, and of the other Brutus, of the which the one was his friend, and the other his kinseman. For this cause therefore, Antonius afterwards taking Hortensius at the battell of Philippes, he made him to be slayne upon his brothers tombe. But then Brutus sayd, that he was more ashamed of the cause for the which Cicero was slayne, then he was otherwise sory for his death: and that he could not but greatly reprove his friendes he had at Rome, who were slaves more through their owne fault, then through their valJiantnes or manhood which usurped the tyranny: considering that they were so cowardly and faynt hearted, as to suffer the sight of those things before their eyes, the report whereof should onely have grieved them to the hart. Nowe when Brutus had passed over his army (that was very great) into Asia, he gave order for the gathering of a great number of shippes together, aswell in the coast of Bithynia, as also in the citie of Cyzicum, bicause he would have an army by sea: and him selfe in the meane time went unto the cities, taking order for all things, and giving audience unto Princes and noble men of the con try that had to doe with him. Afterwards, he sent unto Cassius in Syria, to turne him from his jorney into .iEgypt, telling him that it was not for the conquest of any kingdom for them selves, that they wandred up and downe in that sort, but contrarily, that it was to restore their con try againe to their libertie: and that the multitude of souldiers they gathered together, was to subdue the tyrannes that would keepe them in slavery and subjection. Wherefore regarding their chiefe purpose and intent, they should not be farre from Italy, as neare as they could possible, but should rather make all the haste they could, to helpe their contry men. Cassius beleved him, and returned. Brutus went to meete him, and they both met at the citie of Smyrna,l which was the first time that they saw together, since they tooke leave eche of other, at the haven of Pit'rea in Athens: the one going into Syria, and the other into Macedon. So they were marvelous joyfull, and no lesse coragious, when they saw the great armies together which they had both leavied: considering that they departing out of Italy, like naked and poore banished men, without armor and money, nor having any shippe ready, nor souldier about them, nor anyone towne at their commaundement: yet notwithstanding, in a short time after they were now met together, having shippes, money and souldiers enowe, both footemen and horsemen, to fight for the Empire of Rome. Now Cassius would have done Brutus as much honor, as Brutus did unto him: but Brutus most commonly prevented him, and went