124 Julius Ctesar that Cassius had bene overthrowen: but he knew nothing of his death, till he came verie neere to his campe. So when he was come thither, after he had lamented the death of Cassius, calling him the last of all the Romanes, being un possible that Rome should ever breede againe so noble and valliant a man as he: he caused his bodie to be buried, and sent it to the citie of Thassos, 1 fearing least his funerals within the campe should cause great disorder. Then he called his souldiers together, and did encorage them againe. And when he saw that they had lost all their cariage, which they could not brooke well: he promised everie man of them two thowsand Drachmas in recompence. After his souldiers had heard his Oration, they were al of them pretily cheered againe, wondering much at his great liberalitie, and waited upon him with great cries when he went his way, praising him, for that he only of the foure Chieftaines, was not overcome in battell. And to speake the trueth, his deedes shewed that he hoped not in vaine to be conqueror. For with fewe legions, he had slaine and driven all them away, that made head against him: and yet if all his people had fought, and that the most of them had not outgone their enemies to runne to spoyle their goods: surely it was like enough he had slaine them all, and had left never a man of them alive.2 There were slaine of Brutus side, about eight thowsand men, counting the souldiers slaves, whom Brutus called Brigas: and of the enemies side, as Messala wryteth, there were slaine as he supposeth, more then twise as many moe. Wherefore they were more discoraged then Brutus, untill that verie late at night, there was one of Cassius men called Demetrius, who went unto Antonius, and caried his maisters clothes, whereof he was stripped not long before, and his sword also. This encoraged Brutus enemies, and made them so brave, that the next morning betimes they stoode in battell ray againe before Brutus. But on Brutus side, both his campes stoode wavering, and that in great daunger. For his owne campe being full of prisoners, required a good garde to looke unto them: and Cassius campe on the other side tooke the death of their Captaine verie heavilie, and beside, there was some vile grudge betwene them that were overcomen, and those that did overcome. For this cause therefore Brutus did set them in battell ray, but yet kept him selfe from geving batteH. Now for the slaves that were prisoners, which were a great number of them, and went and came to and fro amongst the armed men, not without suspicion: he commaunded they shoulde kill them. But for the freemen, he sent them freely home, and said, that they were better prisoners