Julius CtEsar theater a crowne deckt with rayes; a chaire of state in the Senatehouse; a pinacle upon his house top; a month in the Zodiac; and besides all these himselfe proclaimed Father of his countrey, and perpetuall Dictator; last of all (and it was unknowne whether it were with his good liking) [by] Antonius, Consull, the ornaments of a king were off red : all which prooved but as ribbands, or trimmings of an host ordayned to be slaine in sacrifice. For the mildnesse of this prince was lookt upon with envious eyes, and the power itselfe, which conferred benefits, was to free mindes cumbersome. Nor was the forbearance of him an acquitall any longer: for Brutus, and Cassius, and other Patricians, Lords of the highest ranke, conspired to assassinate him. How great is the force of fate! the conspiracy was knowne far abroade; a scroll was given also to Ctesar himselfe, upon the very day ofthefact; & though an hundred beasts were sacrificed, yet not one of them had any signe of luckines. He came into the Senate-house with a meaning to advance a warre against the Parthiatls: there the Senators stabd at him, as he sat in his courtchair, & with twenty three wounds he was driven to the ground. So, he who had embrewed the whole earth with civill bloud, did with his owne bloud overflow the Senat-house.