BRU. No outward shewes of puissance or of strength, Can he1pe a minde dismayed in:wardly, Leave me sweete Lordes a while unto my selfe.

CASSI. In the meane time take order for the fight, 2260 Drums let your fearefull mazing thunder pI aye. And with their sound peirce Heavens brazen Towers, And all the earth fill with like fearefull noyse, As when that Boreas from his Iron cave. With boysterous fut'yes Striving in the waves, Comes swelling forth to meet his blustering foe, They both doe runne with feerce tempestuous rage, And heaves up mountaynes of the watry waves. The God Oceanus trembles at the stroke,

BRU. What hatefull fut'yes vex my tortured mind? 2'270 What hideous sightes appalle my greeved soule, As when Orestes after mother slaine. Not being yet at Seithians Alters purged, Behould the greesly visages of fiends

Aud gastly furies 'vvhich did haunt his steps, C(J!sar upbraves my sad ingratitude, He saved my life in sad Pharsalian fieldes, That I in Senate house might worke his death. o this remembrance now doth wound my soule, I\Jore then my poniard did his bleeding heart,

Enter Ghost. GHO. Brutus, ingratefull Brutus seest thou mee:

Anon in field againe thou shalt me see, BRU. Stay what so ere thou art, 01' fiend below,

Rays'd from the deepe by inchanters bloody call, 01' fury sent from Phlegitollticke flames, Or from Cocytus for to end my life, Be then Megera or Tysiphone, Or of Eumenides ill boading crue.