Antony, poore Antony! since that daie Thy aIde good hap did faire from thee retire. Thy vertue dead: thy glory made alive So ofte by martiall deeds is gone in smoke: Since then the Baies so well thy forehead knewe To Venus mirtles yeelded have their place: Trumpets to pipes: field tents to courtly bowers: Launces and Pikes to daunces and to feastes. 70 Since then, 0 wretch! instead of bloudy warres Thou shouldst have made upon the Parthian Kings For Romain honor filde by Crassus foile, Thou threw'st thy Curiace off, and fearfull healme, With coward courage unto Aegipts Queene In haste to runne, about her necke to hang Languishing in her armes thy Idoll made: In summe given up to Cleopatras eies. Thou breakest at length from thence, as one encharm'd Breakes from th'enchaunter that him strongly heIde. 1 80 For thy first reason (spoyling of their force The poisned cup pes of thy faire SOl'ceres) Recur'd thy sperit: and then on every side Thou mad'st again the earth with Souldiours swarme. All Asia hidde: Euphrates bankes do tremble To see at once so many Romanes there Breath horror, rage, and with a threatning eye In mighty squadrons crosse his swelling streames. Nought seene but horse, and fiery sparkling armes: Nought heard but hideous noise of muttring troups. go The Parth, the Mede, abandoning their goods Hide them for feare in hilles of Hircanie, Redoubting thee. Then willing to besiege The great Phraate head of Media, Thou campedst at her walles with vaine assault, Thy engins fit (mishap!) not thither brought,

So long thou stai'st, so long thou dost thee rest, So long thy love with such things nourished Reframes, ref ormes it selfe and stealingly Retakes his force and rebecomes more great. 100 For of thy Queene the lookes, the grace, the words, Sweetnes, alurements, amorous delights,

1 cr. 1.2.131.