Hath not such force in anguish: 1270 For promising a vaine reliefe She oft us failes in midst of griefe,

And helples lets us languish. But Death who call on her at neede Doth never with vaine sembi ant feed,

But when them sorrow paineth, So riddes their soules of all distresse Whose heavie weight did them oppresse,

That not one griefe remaineth. Who feareles and with courage bolde 1280 Can Acherons black face behold,

Which muddie water beareth: And crossing over in the way Is not amaz'd at Perruque gray

Olde rusty Charon weareth? Who voide of dread can looke upon The dreadfull shades that roame alone,

On bankes where sound no voices: Whome with hir fire-brands and her Snakes No whit afraide Alecto makes, 1290

Nor triple-barking noises: Who freely can himseJfe dispose Of that last hower which all must close,

And leave this life at pleasure: This noble freedome more esteemes, And in his heart more precious deemes,

Then crowne and kinglie treasure. The waves which Boreas blasts turmoile And cause with foaming furie boile,

Make not his heart to tremble: 1300 Nor brutish broile, when with strong head

Against their Lords assemble: Nor fearefull face of Tirant wood, Who breaths but threats, & drinks but bloud,

No, nor the hand which thunder, The hand of Jove which thunder beares, And ribbs of rocks in sunder teares,

Teares mountains sides in sunder: Nor bloudy Marses butchering bands, 1310 Whose lightnings desert laie the lands

Whome dustie cloudes do cover: From of whose armour sun-be ames ftie, And under them make quaking lie

The plaines wheron they hover: Nor yet the cruell murth'ring blade Warme in the moistie bowels made

Of people pell-mell dieng In some great Cittie put to sack, By savage Tirant brought to wrack, 1320

At his colde mercie lieng. How abject him, how base thinke I, Who wanting courage can not dye

When need him thereto calleth? From who me the dagger drawne to kill The cureles griefes that vexe him still

For feare and faintnes falleth? o A7Ito1l;.Y with thy deare mate Both in misfortunes fortunate!