THE Goths having found the Pleasantness of these fruitful Countries, resolved not so to give them over, but, encouraged by TottiIius's two Sons Alaricus and Abonus, sent for fresh Forces, and made a Desolation in the Roman Provinces, continuing a ten Years War,4 wherein the valiant Andronicus, Captain-General of the Empire, gained many Victories over them, with great Effusion of Blood on either Side; but those barbarous People still encreasing in their Numbers, the Emperor, desiring Peace, it was agreed to, in Consideration he should marry Attava,5 Queen of the Goths, and in case he should die without Issue, her Sons might succeed in the Empire. Andronicus opposed this very much, as did many other; knowing, through the Emperor's weakness, that she being an imperious Woman, and of a haughty Spirit, would govern him as she pleased, and enslave the noble Empire to Strangers: however, it was carried on with a high Hand, and great Preparations were made for the Royal Nuptials, though with very little Rejoicing among the People, for what they expected soon followed.