Alonly Athens (who would thinke?) did neither come nor send: 538 Warre barred them from courtesie the which they did entend. The King of Pontus with an host of savage people lay In siege before their famous walles and curstly did them fray. Untill that Tereus King of Thrace approching to their ayde, Did vanquish him, and with renowne was for his labor payde. And sith he was so puissant in men and ready coyne, And came of mightie Marsis race, Pandion sought to joyne Aliance with him by and by, and gave him to his Feere His daughter Progne. At this match (as after will appeare) Was neyther Juno, President of mariage wont to bee, Nor Hymen, no nor anyone of all the graces three. The Furies snatching Tapers up that on some Herce did stande 550 Did light them, and before the Bride did beare them in their

hande. The Furies made the Bridegroomes bed. And on the house did

rucke1 A cursed Owle the messenger of yll successe and lucke. And all the night time while that they were lying in their beds, She sate upon the bedsteds top right over both their heds. Such handsell2 Progne had the day that Tereus did hir wed: Such handsell had they when that she was brought of childe

a bed. All Thracia did rejoyce at them, and thankt their Gods, and

wild That both the day of Prognes match with Tereus should be hild For feastfull, and the day likewise that Itys first was borne: 560 So little know we what behoves. The Sunne had now outworne Five Harvests, and by course five times had runne his yearly

race, When Progne flattring Tereus saide: If any love or grace Betweene us be, send eyther me my sister for to see, Or finde the meanes that hither she may come to visit mee. You may assure your Fathrinlaw she shall againe returne