But great it is. Beete so, my mynde now in this feate proceede, For Atreus and Thyestes bothe, it were a worthy deede. Let eche of us the crime commit. The Thracian house did se Suche wicked tables once: I graunte the mischiefe great to be, But done ere this: some greater gilt and mischiefe more, let yre Fynde out. The stomak of thy sonne 0 father thou enspyre, And syster eke, lyke is the cause: assist me with your powre, And dryve my hande: let gredy parent all his babes devowre, And glad to rent his children be: and on their lyrns to feede. 250 Enough, and well it is devysde: this pleaseth me in deede. In meane time where is he? so long and innocent wherfore Dooth Atreus walke? before myne eyes alredie more and more The shade of suche a slaughter walkes: the want of children

cast, In fathers jawes. But why my mynde, yet dreadst hou so at last, And fayntst before thou enterprise? it must be doone, let be. That whiche in all this mischefe is the greatest gilt to se, Let him commit ....