The Hystorye Sege and Dystruccyon of Troye 157 But neyther for bycause I am a better gentleman Than Ajax by the moothers syde, nor that my father can Avouch himself ungiltye of his brothers blood, doo I This armour clayme: wey you the case by merits uprightly. [Ulysses describes his own part in the Trojan War, and speaks of Ajax's 'blockish wit' and 'the rayling of this foolish dolt at mee.' He tells Ajax:]

Thou hast a hand that serveth well in fyght, Thou hast a wit that stands in neede of my direction ryght. Thy force is witlesse: I have care of that that may ensew. Thou well canst fyght: the king dooth choose the tymes for

fyghting dew 440 By myne advyce. Thou only with thy body canst avayle, But I with bodye and with mynd too profite doo not fayle ... [The armour is given to Ulysses, whereupon the enraged Ajax falls on his sword and dies.]

Oyleus Ayax was right corpulent, 4571 To be well cladde he sette all his entent. In ryche araye he was full curyous.