Moreover our writers doo report, that he builded three temples, one to Mars at Perth in Scotland, another to Mercurie at Bangor, and the third to Apollo in Cornewall.

IV. Possible Source

CHAP. IX Of the Ancient Religion Used in Albion ... In the beginning this Druiyus did preach unto his hearers, that the soule of man is immortall, that God is omnipotent, mercifull as a father in shewing favor unto the godlie, and just as an upright judge in punishing the wicked; that the secrets of mans hart are not unknowne, and onelie knowne to him; and that as the world and all that is therein had their beginning by him, at his owne will, so shall all things likewise have an end, when he shall see his time. He taught them also with more facilitie, how to observe the courses of the heavens and motions of the planets by arithmetic all industrie, to find out the true quantities of the celestiall bodies by geometricall demonstration, and thereto the compasse of the earth, and hidden natures of things contained in the same by philosophicall contemplation. But alas, this integritie continued not long among his successors, for unto the immortalitie of the soule, they added, that after death it went into another bodie ... The second or succedent, being alwaies either more noble, or more vile than the former, as the partie deserved by his merits, whilest he lived here upon earth ... For said they (of whom Pythagoras also had, and taught this errour) if the soule apperteined at the first to a king, and he in this estate did not leade his life worthie this calling, it should after his decease be shut up in the bodie ofa slave, begger, cocke, owle, dog, ape, horsse, asse, worme, or monster, there to remaine as in a place of purgation and punishment for a certeine period of time ....