Let my father use what speaches he lyst, I will follow mine owne lust. Lust Lucilla, what sayst thou? No no, mine owne love I should have sayd, for I am as farre from lust, as I am from reason, and as neere to love as I am to folly. Then sticke to thy determination, and shew thy selfe, what love can doe, what love dares doe, what love hath done. Albeit I can no way quench the coales of desire with forgetfulnesse, yet will I rake them up in the ashes of modestie:

S~eing I dare not discover my love for maidenly shamefastnesse, I will dissemble it till time I have opportunitie. And I hope so to behave my selfe, as Euphues shall thinke me his owne, and Philautus perswade himself I am none but his. But I would to God Euphues would repaire hether that the sight of him might mitigate some parte of my martirdome.