This chapter will review the relevant literature from four distinct areas of research and demonstrate their interconnectedness. They are 1) interorganizational relations theory, 2) NGOs in Africa, 3) development theory, and 4) women in interorganizational relations. Although these bodies of literature at first glance seem disparate, particularly the women’s studies research, and are rarely integrated in mainstream literature, they are very much interconnected by this study. Out of the merger of these bodies of literature will evolve the framework of the resource dependency model (RDM) which this study will modify and apply to analyze the politics of development cooperation between Maendeleo Ya Wanawake (MYWO) and its partners in its relational environment-foreign donors and the government of Kenya. As the review of literature will establish the basis for the applicability of a modified RDM, the literature will be discussed first, and then the RDM and its modifications will be presented.