But let us consider a little the signs which some do show of a supernatural power in these examples. For if they say there need no such signs appear, because the Devil by witchcraft may inflict a natural disease, then I ask them what they have to do with the Devil or with dispossessing of him, when he is not there present, but hath been only an external source of a disease by kindling or corrupting the humours of our bodies, which disease as well as other will submit itself to physical indications, as is shewed, Chapter 1. Wherefore they must needs make him to be an internal cause, and to possess the members and faculties of the body, and hold them to his use; or else they understand not what they say when they do peremptorily disclaim natural means and avouch that they speak certain words and perform certain voluntary motions upon his incitation, and are hindered by him from speaking other words which they would fain utter. And therefore to this end

natural and extraordinary power inherent in the body.