T he teacher can to some extent control factors such as noise levels, room temperature, lighting and classroom design. These factors have an important role to play in supporting learning for students with autism, A D H D and dyslexia. (See Chapter 4 for further discussion.)

Emotional learning styles

• Degree o f responsibility preferred. Does the student prefer to w ork independently without any adult supervision, feedback or guidance? Does the student prefer to have some adult supervision, feedback and guidance? Does the student prefer frequent adult supervision, feedback and guidance? This is an area that has particular relevance to teaching assistants. O f course the key here is knowing the students you w ork with. For example, a teaching assistant might state the following:

Well Sarah (a Year 9 student) always wants me to sit right beside her. N ow John (Year 9, in a different class) hates me sitting beside him. It took me a while to figure John out. W hen I sat next to him he w ouldn’t even look at me and he just mumbled ‘Yes’ or ‘N o ’ to my questions. N ow I sit at the back and John and I have this system. W hen he looks at me, I know he wants me to come and help him, but I only go to his desk if I see him looking at me. It’s all about ‘street cred’. W e get on great now, as John knows that I am there if he needs me.