Status: 1. ‘Rarely diagnosed’; only in AIDS patients

Dist: (Cosmopolitan) Hab: Ocular; extensively in viscera, including kidneys Hosts: Man, budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus Trans: May enter through respiratory system Risk: Immunosuppressed host Zoo stat: 2 Deluoi and Cenac 1994; Hollister et al. 1996; Canning 1998; Didier et al. 1998; Canning 2001

Encephalitozoon intestinalis

Syn: Septata intestinalis Status: 1. Extremely rare, only in AIDS patients, but may be confused with E.bieneusi; much higher prevalence suspected Dist: (Cosmopolitan) Hab: Primarily in the intestine, but spreads widely to other organs Hosts: Dog, pig, cow, goat, donkey Trans: Risk: Immunosuppressed host Zoo stat: 2 Deluol and Cenac 1994; Hartsheerl et al. 1995; Canning 1998; Curry 1999

Enterocytozoon bieneusi

Status: 2. Rare: several hundred cases by 1994, but rapidly ‘emerging’. Reaches 30% in AIDS patients. Dist: Cosmopolitan Hab: Primarily in the intestine, but spreads widely to other organs Hosts: Man, pig, non-human primates: Macaca spp., dog, cat Trans: Risk: Immunosuppressed host Zoo stat: 3 Deluol and Cenac 1994; Canning 1998; Didier et al. 1998, Curry 1999

Canning (2001) suggests that pigs and monkeys cannot be sources of human infection, and that this is a ‘shared’ species.