According to the testimony at Jeanne’s Trial of Rehabilitation (1456), as Jeanne waited for her first audience with the King in Poitiers in 1429, Queen Yolande of Sicily (mother-in-law to Charles VII), Madame de Gaucourt (wife of the Governor of Chinon), and Madame deTrèves (wife of Robert le Maçon) were charged with determining Jeanne’s virginity.1 Jeanne’s squire Jean d’Aulon testified that

the said Maid was seen, visited and privately looked at and examined in the secret parts of her body, but after they had seen and looked at everything which ought to be looked at in such a case, the aforesaid lady [Yolande] said and related to the king that she and the said ladies found that she was certainly a true and entire maid, in whom could be found no corruption nor mark of violence.2