Most activists avoid definitions of who or what they ‘are’ like the plague. But the ‘similar philosophies’ referred to in the Action Update newsletter quoted above involve a particular kind of worldview and cognitive praxis. Most important to EF! activists is the idea that direct actions speak louder than words; in particular they are thought to speak louder than the words of the traditional lobbying techniques of more institutionalised environmental organisations. Identification with EF! is primarily based on a collective valuation of direct action, rather than a wish to perpetuate EF! as an organisation. Nevertheless, small core groups of individuals involved in EF! have also focused on the day-to-day administration of information and networking organisations like Road Alert! (which linked direct activists from different road protests, but is now defunct), or the ongoing Genetics Engineering Network (GEN) or Corporate Watch (a group that researches

companies’ malpractice). EF! also has two main publications: a monthly Action Update newsletter (available in paper and electronic mail forms) and a roughly annual journal called Do or Die.1 The editorial board of the Action Update is rotated between different local groups on an annual basis. Similarly, Do or Die is taken on, one issue at a time, by a small group of activists.