This chapter is intended to provide an understanding of the use of the force platform to measure contact forces between the sports performer and the ground (or other surfaces), including the equipment and methods used. After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

• appreciate why the measurement of the external contact forces acting on the sports performer is important in sports biomechanics;

• understand the characteristics of a force platform that influence the accuracy of the measurements taken;

• evaluate the suitability of any force platform system for use in sports biomechanics applications;

• understand the advantages and limitations of the two main types of force platform;

• outline how a force platform can be calibrated and the procedures to be adopted when using a force platform in investigations of sports movements;

• appreciate the types of information that can be obtained from force platform recordings and how this information can be applied;

• understand and evaluate reported biomechanical research which has used the force platform (or other force transducers) in the study of sports movements.