Punic ditch a military ditch with a vertical outer face and a sloping inner one which made it appear easy to cross, but difficult to negotiate when retreating samian a red slip pottery made mainly in Gaul, both in plain and decorated forms, widely exported to Britain in the first two centuries schutthügel a rubbish tip shot over the edge of a cliff. The classic example is at Vindonissa, a legionary fortress on the R.Aare in Switzerland (for a study of the pottery recovered from it see E.Ettlinger and C.Simonett, ‘Römische Keramik aus dem Schutthügel von Vindonissa’, Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft pro Vindonissa, Band III, 1952) triskele a Celtic form of decoration in the shape of three ‘legs’ radiating from a centre vexillation fort a term suggested by Professor Frere (Britannia 1967, 71) for forts of 20-30 acres, which, it has been assumed, were occupied by a vexillation or detachment of different units, probably including one from a legion