The grammatical declination of the noun riba is Raba (the past simple verb) means: increased and grew. The inflectional arbaytuhu (first person pronoun and objective included) means, “I increased it.” In the Holy Quran, “yurbe the charities” means, “increase the charities.” From here, the forbidden riba was taken. God the Great said, “The riba you perpetrate (leyarbuwa) to augment people’s money does not yarbu (grow) with God.” Abu Ishaq said, “yarbu means that man pays something in order to be compensated for more than he paid.” In most interpretations, this is not forbidden. But, there is no reward for the one who increased what he took. He said, “riba is of two kinds: one is forbidden. Every loan that is returned with an increase, or for which a profit is gained, is forbidden. The permissible riba is to donate money, asking God for more than the money you gave away, or to give it as a gift so that you would be given even more.”