Three novels are the focal points of this research: Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon, David Bradley’s The Chaneysville Incident, and Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man. Each will be analyzed using the methodology set up in Part I, organized under the umbrella of Asante’s three fundamental Afrocentric themes. Asante’s themes are the most significant keys to locate Afrikan survivals in African American literature. The first Afrocentric marker will be human relations, or how one relates to others. The significant pointers should be an author’s use of extended family dynamics and the oral tradition. Everyone has a mother and father. They may or may not be present in a person’s life, but they are a biological fact. Kinship relationships and interactions including others outside of the nuclear family are the hallmarks of an extended family. In an Afrocentric sense, this encompasses other near or distant kin, as well as non-blood relatives.