An disc produced by General Records Division of Consolidated Records, Inc., of New York. The list included some fine jazz offerings, including several by Jelly Roll Morton. [Rust 1978.]

An American firm established in 1892, the result of a merger between the Edison General Electric Co. and the Thomson-Houston Co. Thomas Edison was one of the original directors, but he left the firm in 1894. Various electric products were produced successfully. General Electric (GE) was one of the companies that participated in the establishment of RCA, then sold its RCA holdings in 1930 because of an antitrust ruling. The company was involved in development of the Panatrope, Brunswick’s all-electric phonograph of 1926. It also perfected the Photophone sound film method. GE research led to one of the prototype magnetic stereo cartridges in 1958. The British affiliate, General Electric Co., Ltd., was a notable high-fidelity equipment manufacturer in the 1950s.