Among people with diabetes, 15% will experience a foot ulcer in their life time. It is now appreciated that 15-20% of patients with such foot ulcers go on to need an amputation. Similarly, 85% of major lower limb amputations are preceeded by a foot ulcer. Diabetic foot problems are a major cause of hospitalization and prolonged hospital stay. Foot lesions in a person with diabetes is indeed an expensive proposal. The cost of treatment varies between countries. The approximate cost of healing of a foot ulcer without amputation is US $ 5000-10,000. With amputation this cost rises to US $ 10,000-40,000. In India the cost incurred for primary healing of foot ulcer without amputation is US $ 200-1000, while for amputation it is US $ 1000-2000. Although, the cost of treatment seems to be much lower, majority of our patients are not medically insured and find this cost exorbitant. Despite the targeted treatment aimed at preventing amputation, the incidence of lower limb amputation in persons with diabetes has continued to rise globally.