Outlined here is a therapy study with a 61-year-old woman (SH) with aphasia. SH underwent a heart bypass operation in 1993 and right carotid endarteroectomy in October 1995. On 1 December 1995, she had a left-hemisphere infarct stroke in the left parietal region with involvement of the left Sylvian fissure. This led to mild-moderate oropharyngeal dysphagia, right-sided weakness, mild receptive and expressive dysphasia, and dyspraxia. SH walked with great effort and often relied on a wheelchair when going out. She had normal hearing. She wore glasses and had no vision in her left eye. Following her stroke, she regularly took Prozac for depression. SH steadfastly asserted her independence and lived alone. Her three children and five grandchildren visited regularly, but apart from this she had few opportunities to mix with others.