Chronic toxicity can be defined as either toxic effects that occur after repeated doses or effects that persist after a single toxic dose. This chapter examines both end-points for the following riot control agents (RCAs): 2-chloroacetophenone (CN), o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile (CS), dibenz[b,f]1:4-oxazepine (CR), oleoresin capsicum (OC) and natural capsaicinoids and two synthetic components of OC, capsaicin and n-nonanoyl vanillylamide (VAN). Studies that were reviewed were those that have been published or are available as unclassified documents for public distribution. Studies that look at the effects of repeated doses in animals or man and persistent adverse effects seen after acute dosing in experimental animals are discussed in this chapter. Persistent adverse effects that have been seen with acute dosing in man are discussed in Chapter 11. For acute and subacute exposures, inhalation doses in terms of concentration time (Ct) in units of mg-min/m3 are given when available.