In this chapter, we will discuss processes and techniques for Web mining. In Part III, we will show how these techniques may be applied for counter-terrorism.

Recently, there has been much interest in mining Web databases, including multimedia databases. As mentioned, many of the data mining tools work on relational databases; however, a considerable amount of data is now in multimedia format. There is a large amount of text and image data on the Web. News services provide much video and audio data. This data has to be mined so that useful information can be extracted. One solution is to extract structured data from the multimedia databases and then mine the structured data using traditional data mining tools. Another solution is to develop mining tools to operate on the multimedia data directly. Technologies and techniques for Web data mining are the subjects of this chapter. In particular, we discuss data mining basics and show how they can be adapted for Web data mining. These techniques are important because in Part III we show how these techniques are used for various applications, including intrusion detection and counter-terrorism.