Boris Pavlovich Konstantinov. Academician, director of the Leningrad Physical Technical Institute (1955-1963), Hero of Socialist Labour… A bronze bust in front of the entrance to the Institute…

To me, he will always be a friend, a relative, just Boris, my first wife’s brother, and to my children-kind ‘Uncle Borya.’ Anyone who thinks that people should write impartially or passionlessly-should not read this essay. I loved Boris, and I’m now sad that he is not with us, that he left us so early. He remained sharp-witted, inventive, deep and merry, kind and active up to his last months, when his heart tragically grew tired of beating. Boris Pavlovich didn’t see his sixtieth birthday. These notes are dedicated to the 75th anniversary of his birth. And can it really be that we can’t dedicate them to a living person? How much Boris Pavlovich could have done with his mind and talent over these fifteen years.