Unlike hallucinations, dreams are experienced by everyone. In an average night’s sleep of seven to eight hours, an adult is thought to dream for one and a half to two hours. Children are thought to dream more than adults. The amount of dream time per night is thought to fall off with increasing age. When I am dreaming I am not aware that I am. It is just like being awake. However absurd the dream may be, it never occurs to me that I am dreaming. This is like a psychotic person not being aware that s/he is psychotic. The moment I awake from a dream, and enter wakefulness, I realise that I have been dreaming and now I am awake; but the moment that I start to dream I do not have the experience that I have just stopped being awake. The moment I awake from a dream I remember it in some detail and I recognise it as having a bearing upon some current preoccupation.