Protection of technical and biological objects from biofouling can be based on physical and chemical factors, as well as on their joint effect. In the literature, mechanical factors, such as scrubbing off the fouling, are usually considered as a separate group (Cologer and Preiser, 1984); however, in my opinion, they can be regarded as a type of physical factor. The assemblage of physical (chemical) methods and means, under whose actions colonization by propagules, juveniles, and adult foulers is suppressed, is referred to as physical (chemical) protection. The basic ideas and methods of protection of man-made structures against biofouling are discussed in several reviews (Fischer et al., 1984; Marshall and Bott, 1988; Gurevich et al., 1989; Foster, 1994; Wahl, 1997; Walker and Percival, 2000). Classifying antifouling methods by the acting factors allows one to consider the protection of not only man-made structures (Chapter 9) but also living organisms (Chapter 10) from the same viewpoint.