Figure 5.4.9 (a) Evolution of the velocity of the center of mass of two equal-sized drops for initial interface separation equal to the drop radius,

. The curves labeled a, b, and c correspond, respectively, to 1, 0.6, and 0.2. (b) Evolution of the velocity of the center of mass of two unequal drops with radii ratio , for

. The curves labeled a, b, and c correspond, respectively, to 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7. (c) Phase plane of the drop centerof-mass velocity plotted against the interface separation for equal-size drops. The curve labeled a corresponds to non-deformable drops, ; curves b and c correspond to = 0.2 and 1; the dashed curve labeled d corresponds to a computation where the interfaces are assumed to be spherical at every instant; the curve labeled e represents the asymptotic results of Golovin et al. described by equation (5.4.35). (d) Phase plane of the drop center of mass velocity plotted against the interfacial separation for unequal drops with radius ratio

. The subscripts 1 and 2 denote the large and small drop. The curve labeled a corresponds to a non-deformable drop, ; curves b and c correspond to = 0.3 and 0.6; the dashed curve labeled d corresponds to a computation where the interfaces are assumed to be spherical at every instant.