For the purpose of this part: (a) Strength and redness of color means at least as much red as obtained by comparison of the prepared product,

with the blended color produced by spinning a combination of the following concentric Munsell color discs of equal diameter, or the color equivalent of such discs:

Such comparison is to be made in full diffused daylight or under a diffused light source of approximately 2691 lux (250 footcandles) and having a spectral quality approximating that of daylight under a moderately overcast sky, with a correlated color temperature of 7,500 degrees Kelvin ±200 degrees. With the light source directly over the disc and product, observation is made at an angle of 45 degrees from a distance of about 24 inches from the product. Electronic color meters may be used as an alternate means of determining the color of tomato juice. Such meters shall be calibrated to indicate that the color of the product is as red or more red than that produced by spinning the Munsell color discs in the combination as set out above.